These official rules of the MPL SG S5 apply to each of the Teams that have qualified to play in the MPL SG S5 2023. These rules also apply to the Teams’ Team Coaches, Managers, Owners, Starting Line-up, Substitutions (collectively “Team Members”) and other employees. MPL SG S5 consists of Qualifiers, Regular Season, and Playoffs.
These rules only apply to the official MPL SG S5. It does not apply to any other Mobile Legends: Bang Bang competitions, tournaments or any other activities organised by Moonton or other 3rd parties.
These rules have been enacted to ensure the maintained stability of a complete Mobile Legends: Bang Bang tournament system, and the fairness of competition between professional teams. Standardised rules benefit all parties who are involved in the professional play of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, including the Teams, Players and Team Managers.
These rules shall not restrict the competitive performance of Players. The articles of any Player or Team’s agreement will be determined by each Team and Player themselves.
This rulebook will be published and constantly updated on the official website of MPL SG S5 for all the players to view.
Match Score | Points |
2-0 | 3 Points |
2-1 | 2 Points |
1-2 | 1 Points |
0-2 | 0 Points |
Match Score | Points |
2-0 | +2 |
2-1 | +1 |
1-2 | -1 |
0-2 | -2 |
Match Score | Additional Allowance |
2-0 | $650 |
2-1 | $450 |
1-2 | $200 |
0-2 | $0 |
Position : | Prize : |
Champion | $30,000 USD |
2nd Place | $15,000 USD |
3rd Place | $5,000 USD |
4th | $4,000 USD |
5-6th Place | $2,500 USD/each |
7-8th Place | $1,500 USD/each |
For coach change during Regular Season, the process of approval would take 2 working days and the deadline for submission is before the end of Season Roster Transfer Period. After the process is approved, the coach can officially join the team on MPL - SG. In case of emergency, (please refer to Emergency in Substitution for more information), the chief coach could be temporarily registered as a substitute player.
Substitution is not allowed in BO1. For BO3, substitution can be made once. For BO5, substitution can be made 2 times. For BO7, substitution can be made 3 times.
The Operating Committee will determine the game version used for the Match and notify members ahead of time.
On the online servers, some remade Heroes, and Heroes that have newly been added will be prohibited from use within two weeks of being updated. The specific match prohibitions and usage times will be notified by the Operating Committee. As for Heroes that are known to cause glitches, members of the Operating Committee will prohibit their usage for Matches for a period of time according to the seriousness of the glitch.
Example: Hero A was released on Oct. 1 2018, so Hero A becomes eligible to be used in all Matches on Oct. 15 2018.
If there are doubts regarding the Game that only arise during Draft Pick, Players are to continue Draft Pick as per normal and raise the issue to Referee and the Operating Committee immediately. Should the issue be deemed to be valid after the Draft Pick Phase, the game may be remade. In the event the issue is deemed invalid by the Operating Committee, the game will proceed with the original Draft Pick.
If players wish to pause, at least one player must raise their hand to signify full commitment to the pause. Under no circumstances will a pause request be entertained in any other way. Additionally, only players are allowed to request a pause and no other staff member may do so.
Once the game has been paused, the initiating player must tell the referee the reason. If the pause is unreasonable or if a referee’s report shows no indication of any real issue in the game despite player claims, MPL League Operations reserves the right to penalise the player and/or team according to the severity of the disruption caused by the pause.
There is no limit of maximum pause time for any team.
Teams are limited to a total of fifteen (15) minutes collectively for each pause per game.
If players wish to pause, at least one member of the team must be able to speak on Discord to the referee in clear and concise language. Notebly, they must say the phrase,”referee pause” to officially request a pause. No other phrase will be acceptable and others will simply be ignored by the referees.
Additionally, the players must also raise their hand and must be clearly visible in the team player feed. If only either the verbal or physical notifications for a pause request are done, the request will be ignored. Players must do both to signal the official pause request.
Players are not allowed to pause with ping below 35ms. This is found to be more than sufficient to play at a professional level.
Players may pause above 35 ms and be regarded as a reasonable pause provided that they are vouched for by a present referee. Otherwise this will be counted as an unreasonable pause and afflict a penalty on the player and/or team.
In line with the lineup submission rules, all players are presumed to be fully capable of playing their games every broadcast day. Should a pause arise from a pre-existing condition from a player without informing tournament officials beforehand, it will be counted as an unreasonable pause and the team will be penalised accordingly.
Should an illness, injury, or disability develop during the game, the team must immediately inform the referees as soon as possible.
Referees may then, at their sole discretion, pause the game in order to evaluate the identified player suffering from an onset affliction. Should referees definitively find nothing wrong with said player, the game will resume and the player's team will be penalised according to the maximum penalty for unreasonable pauses.
Should referees find the affliction of the identified player to be legitimate, they will then attempt to determine if the player is ready, willing, and able to continue with the game within 5 minutes of the pause. If it is found that the player is truly unable to continue playing, then the player's team shall forfeit the entire game. The match will continue provided that the team has a substitute at the ready. Should there be no substitute available, they will forfeit the entire match.
However, at the discretion of MPL officials and given the facts of the situation at hand, said match may be subject to a rematch or postponement instead.
Certain circumstances must be met before a restart may occur. The Operating Committee must determine that the bug is critical and verifiable. For the bug to be considered critical, the bug must significantly damage a Player's ability to compete in the game situation. The determination of whether the bug has damaged a Player's ability to compete is up to the sole discretion of the Operating Committee. In order for a bug to be considered verifiable, the bug must be conclusively present and not possibly attributable to Player’s error. The spectator must then be able to replay the instance in question and verify the bug.
If a Player believes she/he has experienced a critical bug, she/he must pause the Game and alert a Referee in a timely fashion. If it is believed that a Player is attempting to delay reporting of a bug to wait for a possible restart at a more advantageous time, then a restart will no longer be granted.
If the Operating Committee determines that the bug is critical and verifiable and that the Player followed the pause protocol, then the Team experiencing the bug will be presented with the option for a restart. If the Team accepts, officials will attempt to utilise the rules set in Section 10.5 to remake the Game.
This section is applicable if the pause is directed as per Section 10.3 and does not limit the ability of an MPL SG S5 official to institute a restart.
Objectives | Points |
Turtle Kill | 1 |
Lord Kill | 2 |
Outer Turret | 1 |
Inner Turret | 2 |
Base Turret | 3 |
Gold Difference | 1 per 1k Gold Difference |
The winner is identified when the point difference is over 15 points, or by the discretion of the Operating Committee to decide when the game is very clearly in a Team’s favour (e.g., Team B is wiped out and Team A is capable of breaking Team B’s base before their resurrection.)
If the Game Duration is under 7:00 minutes or the point difference is ≤15 Points, the game will be remade.
The matching apparel includes shirts, jerseys, and pants. For the avoidance of doubt, short pants, ripped jeans, sweatpants, athletic pants, and/or pyjama pants will generally not be considered appropriate attire. Jerseys and all other apparel worn during such times are subject to the restrictions set forth in this Section and are subject to the review of the Operating Committee.
The Operating Committee will have final approval over all apparel.
Changes to Sponsor must be submitted to Moonton for approval during the whole season of MPL SG Season 5
Period : Whole MPL SG Season 5
Frequency : During the whole MPL SG Season 5, each team will not have any limitation to frequency of sponsorship changes.
Requirement : New sponsors must meet all the requirements in the rules while they become MPL teams sponsor
Approval : Sponsorship change requests (Sponsorship declaration form) must be submitted to Moonton by the Teams in advance, in writing, and approved by Moonton, in writing, before becoming effective. The sponsorship change or add request approval process consists of Moonton confirming that the change and add are occurring within the approved whole MPL SG Season 4 and must meet all qualifications and other rules.
If Team Jersey design changed, the Team also needs to submit the new Team Jersey Design to Moonton for approval.
*Declaration form is only for Moonton to ensure that all of MPL teams sponsors adhere to our sponsorship guidelines (i.e. no tobacco or gambling Brands)
Effective Date: upon the approval of Moonton, the change will instantly take effect.